Everything To Know About Bladder Cystitis


If you recently got diagnosed with a bladder cyst, then you must seek a professional doctor to get it before things get worse. You may be asked for Bladder Cystitis Treatment. This occurs when the bladder gets infected, and you may feel urinating frequently. Here is the read that shares about bladder cystitis.

What Is Cystitis In Bladder?

Bladder cystitis is an infection that is caused when the bladder gets inflamed. It may make you feel like urinating frequently even after you have emptied your bladder. It often causes serious health issues. Typically, the cause of cystitis is a urinary tract infection (UTI) when bacteria enter the bladder or urethra and begin to grow or multiply. It is mostly caused by women.

The Common Symptoms of Cystitis:

The symptoms of bladder cystitis may include;

1.Frequent urge to urinate (emptied bladder).

2.Cloudy or strong-smelling urine.

3.Low fever if you have UTI.

4.Blood in urine.

5.Painful sexual intercourse.

6.The sensation of pressure or bladder fullness.

7.Cramping in the abdomen or back.

8.Chronic kidney infection; nausea, vomiting, back or side pain, and chills.

The Causes of Bladder Cystitis:

The possible causes of bladder cystitis are;

UTI: urinary tract infection.

Certain drugs or medication side effects.

Exposure to radiation.

Irritation with the use of hygiene products.

The Types of Bladder Cystitis:

1.Bacterial cystitis.

2.Drug-induced cystitis.

3.Radiation cystitis.

4.Foreign body cystitis.

5.Chemical cystitis.

The Final Verdict:

Comparatively, men do have a lesser risk of bladder cystitis than women. The prevention is to get an immediate diagnosis and follow it up with Bladder Cystitis Treatment. To get over such a health condition, take it seriously, seek proper care and treatment, and look for the best doctor to recover bladder cystitis.


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