Everything To Know About Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Women


Most people still hesitate when going to the clinic for STI testing. However, if left untreated for an extended period, it can cause a risk of infertility, cervical cancer, and other sexual disease complications. It’s majorly transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sexual contact. Here is a more detailed read about STIs and STDs among females. After that, you may feel comfortable using Venereal Disease Test Kits

The Symptoms:

Vulvar and vaginal STD symptoms may include;

Vaginal itching.


Unusual discharge. Pain.

It is noteworthy that most of the STIs display no symptoms, so I don’t know if they need treatment or not. 

The Common STIs in Women:

The most commonly occurred STIs in women may include;

1.HPV; human papillomavirus (one of the potential causes of cervical cancer).

2.Gonorrhea (the common bacterial STI)

3.Chlamydia (chronic STIs that need proper screening).

4.Genital herpes (commonly occurs in ages between 14 to 49 years).

The Common Symptoms of STIs:

1.Changes in urination, such as pain or burning sensation during urination. Need to urinate frequently or presence of blood in urine.

2.Abnormal vaginal discharge; continually discharge through a women’s cycle or even in the absence of a cycle. It’s a sign of yeast infection when white, but if yellow or green, it may be an indicated sign of gonorrhea or trichomoniasis. 

3.Vaginal itching; It may have nonspecific symptoms that may or may not be related to STI. Vaginal itching may include;

Allergic reaction (because of latex condom).

Yeast infection.

Pubic lice or scabies.

Genital warts.

The Final Verdict:

If you have any of the above-mentioned symptoms, then you must look for reliable Venereal Disease Test Kits. Whether you are a man or a woman, STIs & STDs are common. In fact, it comes with almost no symptoms; meanwhile, if left untreated, it can be a risk to health or life. 


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